A bit of a change of style for my next 'ASBIT' as this week features post-rock pioneers Mogwai.
I didn't really know much about this band when I saw them live back in March 2006 and if I'm being totally honest, I don't know much about them now.
All I really know is they are a (mostly) instrumental, noisy and interesting band from Scotland and they were formed back in the mid-90s.
In hindsight, I'm not even too sure why I actually went to this gig in the first place. I wasn't exactly a huge fan of Mogwai's music and the ticket was £16 which, I think you'll agree, is a lot to pay for a band you don't really like/know much about.

Ill come clean now, I was pretty drunk at this gig which probably played a big part in why I believe I was in a trance! However, I can still remember being spellbound by the incredible wall of distorted sound made by the band, neatly coupled with a truly intense light show that really made for a hell of a live spectacle.
Their lengthy and musically diverse range of songs and styles constantly kept me guessing which way they were going to turn. One minute they would be playing slow, sombre electronic pieces on keyboard when without warning, they would suddenly explode into a noisy, fast paced metal song.
The crowd interaction was minimal and the band would only take short breaks in between songs which was barely gave me enough time to catch my breath.
I remember leaving the gig determined to buy some Mogwai CDs and really get into the band but to this day I still don't own any Mogwai records.
I think I am just worried that listening to them at home on CD just wouldn't live up to the expectations I have built up for the band after seeing them live.
If you get the chance, go and see them.
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