How to get started with ENPS

Last week, we used ENPS for the first time to create our script and running order and so I wanted to create a 'how to' guide for getting started with the programme.

Step 1 - Open up a new document by clicking on the green button in your user file at the bottom.

Step 2 - Click on 'New' then 'Rundown'

Step 3 - This brings up a window which allows you to set the duration of the news programme as well as start time and date

Step 4 - This will bring up the basic template for creating your running order then simply right-click on one of the grid squares and press 'insert new row'

Step 5 - Once your row has been created, you can start to insert your programme items.'Story Slug' will be a one or two word description of the item. The button next to the slug will bring up a separate box when you can insert the script.

Step 6 - As well as the script, it is also possible to give details of any other items that are to be included in this section. Right-clicking will bring you up a list of items you may wish to include. In this case I have decided to include a video clip that is 1.30 in length.

Step 7 - Once you have filled in the details, a box will be added to the script page like the one above

Step 8 - ENPS will automatically add the length of the clip to the length of the script

Step 9 - Above is a different example of inserting items into the script. I have included a still clip.

Extra Note: Using brackets around your text means they wont be added to the length of the script


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I am currently in my final year at Winchester University studying Journalism. I hope to become a music journalist although I now realise how difficult it would be to make a living from. Im currently assessing my career options so any suggestions would be welcomed!


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